
At VYAS, all classrooms are Digital and Smart, where every lecture will be taught through digital media that makes lectures more interesting and easy to learn and understand. Moreover, all our digital content matches with the text books, so it leaves no ground for any conflict of ideas, and both the text matter & the digital content complement each other for better understanding of the concept.

We also have a vast collection of E-books in our 'Digital Library'.

At VYAS, we have especially arranged for a state-of-the-art 'Mini-Theatre' to beam 3D Documentaries to enlighten our students with vast array of information and knowledge.

Furthermore, every lecture of every class will be recorded and the lesson plan of any lecture can be requested through our website by the parents any time, so that they can go through it conveniently at their home. This will make sure that incase the student remains on leave for a day or two, the student can get notes and lectures of his/her teachers at his/her home, reducing the need of any tuition, thus saving time and money.

A unique VWS APP will be available for the parents to keep a check on the attendance of their child, his/her performance in the class and teachers' remarks regarding his/her progress. This application can also be used to check report cards, syllabus, test schedules and access the scanned copies of test papers.