Expectations from Students
- All students must bring the text books and stationery prescribed for their respective classes. Books must be covered and bear the student’s name and class with section on the cover and inner page. Students are expected to take good care of their belongings.
- All are expected to speak English at all times in the school premises, except during other language classes.
- The School aims to maintain good discipline among students by way of appreciation and encouragement of responsibility, self–direction and self-control, in co–operation with the parents. Every student is expected to be courteous in talk and behavior at all times. They must use polite expressions like “Thank you,” “Excuse me,” “Sorry,” “Please,” etc. Severe action will be taken against those who indulge in any activity detrimental to the interest of the school.
- It is the duty of all students to keep their class rooms and surroundings, clean and in order.
- No student is allowed to write his/her name or leave any marks on the furniture. Before leaving the classroom students should pick up any waste paper and unwanted material lying on the floor and drop it in the dustbins provided.
- Students are not allowed to write on black boards unless asked to do so by the teacher.
- Students should observe silence in the verandas, corridors and stairs during class hours. He/She should not leave his/her class room without permission.
- Punctuality and regular attendance, earnestness in home assignments and good behavior in and outside the school are always insisted on, and in all these matters the cooperation of parents is expected at all times.
- Students should wear their identity cards with the school uniform for their safety and security.
- Every student must bring a packed tiffin along with him/her. No lunch packets or any other articles should be brought to the students by parents during the school hours.
- Parents/Students are forbidden to give gifts to the teachers on any occasion. No student is allowed to bring any gift or costly item to distribute to his/her classmates on the occasion of his/her birthday. Distribution of Gifts on Birthday is strictly prohibited.
- Incase of injuries sustained by students while in the school, first aid will be rendered immediately. And injuries necessitating Hospital/OPD treatment will be attended to without delay.
- Every Student should take care of school property. Intentional damage to school property is a serious breach of school discipline and will have to be made good by the defaulting students.
- Students are forbidden to bring mobile phones or any electronic gadgets or other valuables to the school. If found disobeying, strict action will be taken against those students.
- Every student should take care of his/her personal belongings. School authorities do not take on any responsibility for the loss of such belongings. The name of the student/admission no. and class should be marked on the personal belongings to facilitate recovery if lost in the school premises.
- Students found possessing/ reading/ viewing any material of indecent nature will be dismissed without any prior notice. Also, students found involved in cyber crime will be suspended with immediate effect and if it is proved, they will be dismissed from the school.
- The school reserves the right to dismiss the student whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards. Habitual illness or actions detrimental to the discipline and the morals of the school or grave insubordination and contempt of authority or willful damage of property is always sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
- Girls are not allowed to wear fancy ear rings, bangles or finger rings. The growing of nails and use of nail polish is forbidden.
- School uniform forbids the use of jewellery, henna/mehandi, streaking of hair, makeup, tattoos, etc.
- Fines which may be deemed necessary to be imposed on the students are only to improve or to enforce discipline.
- No student shall indulge in any of the following practices: Celebrating Birthdays, Making Party, Rowdiness and Rude Behavior, Riding on Vehicle in the Games Field, Bursting of Crackers and Playing Holi in the School Campus, Spoiling Gardens, Lawn, Flowers and Plants etc. Student will be punished/expelled from the school if found involved in above mentioned activities.
- A student involved in any incident, even outside the school, which brings discredit to the institution because of its unpleasant nature will be dismissed from the school without further enquiry.