Teacher´s Training & Development

Teachers are the most valuable resource of a school. VYAS places a high degree of emphasis on training and development of the teachers. Every academic year a substantial amount of time would be devoted to new teacher induction as well as in-service training, reflection and review of current practice. Professional development programmes and workshops will be conducted by teacher trainers from reputed organisations.

The training includes domain development, curriculum-building, leadership skills, communication processes, child psychology and more. Teachers will be constantly challenged to question their paradigms, concepts and familiar methods to evolve new and better ways of reaching out to children. They will undergo thorough training in teaching methodology and their specific subject areas that is updated every year. At VYAS, teachers will also be trained in basic counselling skills, so that they can spot changes in manifested behaviour among children and offer emotional support where needed.

Our teachers will take their responsibility of monitoring the personal and social well-being of our children including health, social and moral education very seriously. Dedicated time will also be made available to teachers every week, to meet, plan and prepare. Never resting on its laurels, VYAS would strive constantly to be a community of educators who are also life-long learners.