Code of Conduct

- We will reach school on time, so we are prepared for the day.
- We will reach class or assemblies on time, so that we can fully participate.
- We will submit all assignments on time to develop the right work ethic.
- We will participate fully in all classes, events and programmes.
- We will pay attention and cooperate with our teachers.
- We will speak politely and respectfully with our teachers, peers and others.
- We will always communicate with our classmates, teachers and other staffs only in English.
- We will behave with integrity and accountability.
- We will eat during the break time in designated areas only and will throw garbage in bins.
- We will walk quietly in a queue in the corridor and on stairs in order.
- We will switch off all the lights and fans when not in use, in order to save energy.
- We will maintain cleanliness in the classroom and school as it is a sign of healthy living.
- We will always be ready to lend a helping hand and accept whatever work is assigned to us graciously.
- We will take good care of our I-cards and wear them each day.
- We will enter or leave the classroom only with the permission of teachers.
- We will bring all necessary equipments to class, including books and stationery.
- We will be peacemakers, acting with self-control in all situations.
- We will take good care of school property so that others can use it too.
- We will speak truthful and kind words about others.
- We will bring only those materials to school that will help us study, and leave cell phones, personal music devices and electronic toys at home.
- We will play with school sports equipment only on the playground after prior permission.
- We will observe healthy habits on and off campus, avoiding the consumption, possession or distribution of controlled or any other illegal substances, as these are harmful to our physical and mental health.
- We will treat each other with respect and care, avoiding spoken or written words or actions which cause emotional or physical injury or which intimidate or humiliate.
We understand that these codes will be reinforced across the school and that violation of any part of it will lead to consequences and sanctions.